Reiki Courses

What is Reiki?

Reiki, a Japanese word meaning universal energy, is the name of a system of natural healing for the body, mind and spirit. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, taught it as a simple self-healing and spiritual development system that might have occasionally been used to treat others. Over time it has changed into a Complementary Therapy. Our courses go back to the original teaching while still including a treatment emphasis.

Why Learn Reiki?

If you’re looking to develop more serenity, if you like the sound of being able to deal better with stresses of modern life, if you’d like to feel more positive and better able to cope, if you’re searching for your true life purpose or seeking to enhance your spirituality … or if you are looking to heal others (friends, family or clients) then a Reiki course may be what you are looking for.

What do I learn?

Our courses are based on the original teaching. You will learn fundamental techniques that enhance your practice of Reiki: daily energy exercises, self-treatment meditations, intuitive working, different ways of experiencing and conveying the energy. You will receive powerful, elegant empowerments.

Irene thank you for such a wonderful day today. I feel I have learnt so much and although I’m only at the start of my spiritual journey I feel so excited! The group was so inspiring and I loved listening to their experiences. You are truly one of the calmest and soothing people I have met. Thank you for the lovely vegan treats too!

Laura, January 2017

The courses

There are 4 courses: Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki 1 stands on its own. There is no need to go any further but most people do. The others require at least one earlier course as a prerequisite.

We offer:

  • small class sizes
  • a relaxed environment
  • a complete range of Reiki courses, giving consistency and continuity
  • comprehensive course materials (MP3s and manuals), provided before each course
  • long-term support through regular Reiki Shares, and by telephone and e-mail

All our courses have a similar structure: a period of study at home, followed by one or two days of tutorial and practice at York Reiki Plus as a group. By providing course materials in advance, we ensure that students can relax on the course day, and spend time on practical aspects rather than note-taking, making the day so much more enjoyable.

A brief summary of each course is given below, and a list of course dates and costs.

I really did enjoy the course. The course material was perfect. The instructions on how to go through the material is very well layed out. It was also easy to understand.
I have gone through the course material several times and I intend to carry on going through it.
I enjoyed the live session with Irene. She is such a wonderful lady and she has such a beautiful nature. I had fun doing the practical and I loved the energy in Irene’s studio.
I had an amazing energy shift with the attunements as well.
I will definitely be booking my level 2 shortly as I intend to take my healing journey further so that I can help others too.

Amantha H, Reiki 1, 25 May 2021

Reiki 1

Reiki 1 (Shoden) is all about using this wonderful universal energy to heal yourself. There is also an option of healing family, friends and pets at this level which will be a wonderful experience in itself if you choose.

This is effectively a two day course:

  • One day - 6/7 hours (at least) is spent studying on your own at home using the course materials provided.
  • One day is a tutorial day with the teacher and other students, at York Reiki Plus, spent receiving attunements/empowerments and doing practical energy work, putting what you have learned into practice.

Reiki 2

Reiki level 2 (Okuden) has a similar structure to Reiki 1, but with more depth and content. Most importantly, this is the second part of the Reiki Practitioner course. Having successfully completed this accredited course, the student will be able to obtain insurance and become a practitioner to be able to treat the public.

We recommend you spend at least 12 hours in all, perhaps over 2-3 weeks, to work through the materials at home. That is followed by a tutorial day with the teacher and other students at York Reiki Plus, as with Reiki 1. At the end of the tutorial day, you will be given homework to do. Once that is completed successfully, you get your certificate and can practise.

Thank you so, so much for such a wonderful day yesterday, I learned so much - the whole day was truly magical!✨

Holly C, Reiki 2, 18 October 2020

Reiki Master Practitioner

This is a 2 day course for people who have been already practicing Reiki at level 2 (Okuden) and making it part of their life and have been for some time now, but feel that at the moment they are not ready yet to teach Reiki. They are, however,in a place in their lives where they would like to take things further, and very much deepen, develop and enhance their experience of the energy, as well as increase its healing energy for themselves and /or for others.

This course is for you if you would also like to move forward spiritually, further develop your intuition, and explore different ways of working with energy. Basically, this course will help you develop ways to deepen your practice and increase your connection to the Reiki source as well as enhance your treatments on yourself and others.

You will receive Master Empowerment and attunement using Usui’s original system; explore the power of intent; learn how to chant and use Kotodama’ practice simple but powerful meditations; learn how to use crystals with Reiki for distant healing; learn how to cleanse the aura; learn healing techniques; use the Reiki Master Symbol to conduct self-empowerments.

Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Mastership (Shinpiden) is for those who wish to continue their Reiki development to its natural conclusion. It represents the end of one journey but the start of another. Topics include: Usui’s original system; the role of energy exercises and meditation; experiencing energies; using energies on yourself and others; the use of symbols and the Reiki Kotodama; the power of intent; and the potential of intuition. Mastership allows you to pass the Reiki ability to others, and to teach.

The Reiki Master/Teacher course is equivalent to a five day course. You spend at least three days (about 20 hours) working through your multimedia pre-course study programme, and then you spend two days in the Studio with the student group going through the practical energy work.

Excellent, very detailed content. I liked how we were given an understanding of the history of Reiki as well as other lineages. I was actually amazed how much we fitted in the 2 days, and think we achieved more because of the preparation we had to put in beforehand. I thought the materials were excellent. I liked how the material was presented in a number of ways to suit different learning styles. It really helped me to get to grips with the content.
Irene Forsyth is an excellent teacher. She delivered the course in a friendly and open manner. It was however rigorous and she pushed us to fulfil our potential and work beyond our expectations, especially with regard to intuition. There were many opportunities to get actual practice or working with energy with regard to Reiki Mastership and then to discuss our experiences. Irene really helped me to improve my levels of confidence

Louise, March 2019

Schedule and costs

We hold Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 courses each month, and Masters courses several times a year. Each course is led by Reiki Master/Teacher, Irene Forsyth ( at York Reiki Plus, 152 Fulford Road (basement), York YO10 4BE.

The content, schedule and cost for each course is shown below:

ContentAvailable datesCost
First Degree
(Reiki 1)
Reiki 1 manual, 2 sets of MP3s, one day tutorial, certificate26 May 2024, 16 June, 7 July, 4 August 8 September, 6 October, 26 January 2025£175Pay online
Second Degree (Reiki 2)Reiki 2 manual, set of MP3s, one day tutorial, certificate1 December 2024£199Pay online
Reiki Master PractitionerManual, set of MP3s, two day tutorial, certificate29-30 April 2023 [note: 2 day course]£290Pay online
Reiki Master TeacherMaster’s manual, DVD, two-day tutorial, certificate20-21 July 2024, 7-8 December [note: 2 day course]£497Pay online

For bookings or more information, either email, or telephone 0794 169 7047. You can can also pay course fees on-line by credit card. A deposit is required when your course booking is confirmed. The deposit is £140 for the Master course, and £90 or £99 for the others. The remainder must be paid 4 weeks before the day of the tutorial session.

For the Master Teacher’s course, the price quoted is for 2 or more students. Private tuition is also available for £530.

What study materials are provided?

We send you a pre-course study pack containing a comprehensive manual, and a set of MP3s for Reiki 1 and Reiki 2, and a set of meditation MP3s if required. The study pack is sent 3 weeks before the tutorial day and you will be asked to focus on specific parts of the manual. That way, you arrive for the practical session well-prepared. The work you have done prior to the course will be reviewed briefly but the main focus of the day will be receiving the Attunements/Empowerments that open up the channels through which Reiki energy flows and connect you permanently to Reiki energy, and doing practical energy work, putting what you have read into practice.

You can read a typical schedule for the Reiki 1 course. The Master level course is similar but also includes a DVD, and its group tutorial session is spread over two days.

At the end of the tutorial day(s) for each course you receive a certificate confirming that you have received the relevant training and have been initiated into the appropriate degree of Reiki.

I thought the course was thorough but relaxed enough for it not to be overwhelming and it surpassed my expectations, even though I’m not really sure what I was expecting :) The course book and CDs were informative, easy to follow and understand. I was a bit concerned about how I might manage with ‘homework’ - but actually, the book and CD combination worked perfectly for me. The book is in depth without ’bogging you down’ and getting lost in facts. Very easy to read and as above, very easy to follow. My teacher, Irene Forsyth, was wonderful. Relaxed and easy to listen to. I was a heap of emotional tears after my first empowerment (!) but it was all good - and the group (and Irene) were very supportive and understanding. I would 100% recommend this course. Thank you.

Tanya, September 2016

How do we ensure quality?

We provide comprehensive and detailed, easy-to-read and practical manuals. The Reiki 1 Manual, for example, is 170 pages long and covers everything we do on the course and more besides, including photographs of hand positions and self-treatment methods. There is no need to take notes so you can relax and enjoy the day.

Audio MP3s contain commentary and guided meditations, so that you can listen repeatedly to a potted version of the course. Guided meditations make it a lot easier for you to get into the habit of working with the energy every day.

Our courses are down to earth and practical, so you are in no doubt about what to do and how to do it. The tutorial includes a review of things already familiar to you from home study, but focuses mainly on practice. You will have enough time available to develop confidence in what you need to do. We give you a homework sheet that reviews the main things you need for Reiki.

We focus only on Reiki in the course (excluding, say, crystals, spirit guides or angels).

There are regular Reiki Shares for students to meet, exchange experiences, do guided visualisations and meditations together, send distant healing, receive spiritual attunements/empowerments and give each other Reiki.

I really can’t think of any way the course could be improved. The materials were fantastic and covered much more than I expected them to. I could tell as soon as I started reading them that I had chosen the right course! Also I want to thank you again for sending them to me online. ⋯ Irene was brilliant, again I can’t think of anything that could have been improved. I felt completely at ease around her and she answered every question as thoroughly as possible. It helped that she was so approachable and easy to talk to. Even since the class we have been in contact and she has helped me get to grips with some of the weird and wonderful effects of reiki! I will definitely be booking on to the second degree class with her soon! Thanks again, the course was top notch!

Robert, April 2016